Getting Social, Rationale.
Social Media Avatar Guidelines | Concept
Our social media avatar is the initial “L” and the period within the Langara orange circle. It should appear uniformly across all college social media platforms to create a consistent online presence.
Departments & Programs Avatars
Social Media Avatar Guidelines for departments or programs avatars consist of a smaller “L.” centred at the bottom of the circle. The “L.” simulates a “paper clip holding (supporting)” the Langara divisions as all departments are unique but part of the same Langara family.
Size of “L.” illustration and circle should be consistent across all avatars.
• Use of simple line icons
• No use of photography.
• Maintain the same icon and use colour as differentiation for same name programs in Regular Studies and Continuing Studies. Ex. Photography for RE and photograph for CS
Approved sub-brands: Falcons and Studio 58
Here are a few examples of avatars on different social media platform homepages.
Our handle Langara College should always appear in full beneath the avatar in the information section. Departments and programs’ names should appear on a new line beneath Langara College. All names are capitalized, and acronyms are written out.